Data Visualization Book: A Journey into Personal Data

An Informative and Educational Insight

In an era where data is becoming increasingly valuable, Yves Krahenbuhl, a renowned designer, presents a unique project that aims to demystify the world of personal data. Through his data-visualization book, Krahenbuhl provides a subjective yet thought-provoking exploration of the information collected by various entities in our everyday lives. This innovative design offers readers a chance to reflect on their own data and consider the implications of this digital age.

What does Google know about me? How much data does my bank store? These are just a few of the questions that Krahenbuhl seeks to answer in his data-visualization book. By requesting his personal data from different enterprises, he was able to create a comprehensive visualization of the information collected about him. The book serves as a documentation of a life lived through third-party data, offering readers a glimpse into the vast amount of information that is collected without their explicit knowledge.

The process of creating this unique design was a perfect circle, starting with Krahenbuhl generating data, which was then collected by various enterprises. After requesting his data back, he meticulously categorized and processed it using Microsoft Excel. The final step involved bringing the data to life through custom forms in Adobe Illustrator. The result is a 432-page thick pocket book, meticulously bound by hand, and featuring a Swiss brochure design.

Each chapter of the book focuses on a different enterprise, beginning with the terms and conditions where only the data-relevant parts are visible. The subsequent sections delve into the data received and the objects that track it. Krahenbuhl's conversations and inquiries with these entities are presented for transparency, followed by the visualized data. The book concludes with a chronological summary and an explanation of the work.

One of the main challenges Krahenbuhl faced during this project was the uncertainty surrounding the data he would receive. With no prior knowledge of the amount, type, or format of the data, he had to adapt and find creative solutions. The generative aspect of the project, using third-party data over several years, sets it apart from similar endeavors and adds a unique perspective to the exploration of personal data.

The data-visualization book by Yves Krahenbuhl is not only a visually stunning piece of art but also a catalyst for introspection. It encourages readers to contemplate the extent of data collection in their own lives and raises awareness about the importance of personal data protection. By shedding light on this often opaque subject, Krahenbuhl's design sparks conversations and prompts individuals to consider their own relationship with data in the digital age.

Yves Krahenbuhl's data-visualization book has received widespread acclaim and recognition. In 2018, it was awarded the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in the Print and Published Media Design category. This accolade acknowledges the book's well-designed, practical, and innovative approach to presenting complex information. Through its integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, this design contributes to a better world by fostering understanding and awareness of personal data.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Krähenbühl Yves
Image Credits: All images are copyrighted by Yves Krähenbühl, as well as the pdf document.
Project Team Members: Krähenbühl Yves
Project Name: Customer value: medium
Project Client: Krähenbühl Yves

Customer value: medium IMG #2
Customer value: medium IMG #3
Customer value: medium IMG #4
Customer value: medium IMG #5
Customer value: medium IMG #5

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